Make your raw steel look great and last longer with these simple treatment and coating options. Enjoy a corrosion-resistant finish that’s easy to apply and offers long-lasting protection.
There are a range of products that can be applied to Raw steel to give a long lasting surface appearance without corrosion.
We use Linseed oil mixed with Mineral Turpentine about 30% oil to 70% turps.
You could also paint with “Penatrol” and allow to dry. This is a clear coat available as a spray or brush application type liquid. This can get a little sticky if applied too thick especially when brushed on. You can dilute this with turps as a brushed on product however to avoid this problem.
You may also apply a metal lacquer like Wattyl “Incralac”. This is designed as a clear tarnish resistant finish on copper and copper alloys in both interior and exterior application but it will do a reasonable job sealing raw steel.
All surfaces should be free of oil, grease and salt contamination before blasting. Abrasive blast clean to achieve a surface appearance that approximates the appropriate standard of “near white” blast. All surfaces to be painted must be clean and dry and uncontaminated.
Of coarse you can leave raw steel to slowly tarnish and rust if you prefer.